These are some of the nests I made for two different installations. I will have photos of the completed instillation to show tomorrow during the critique. The birds nest were really fun, but difficult to make. I had to make a lot of them for my dining room, and I think they turned out great. The two normal bird nests in the photo were woven by hand and there are many more made by hand. They were woven just as a bird would do. But I have the benefit of having hands. It was a really interesting process and I appreciate the skill that birds have so much now. I had never thought of it before.
dang man that is VERY impressive. you'll have to remind me what your concentration is but i think all of these are very excellent. And I love how you said that you made them using the same process and technique that birds do. now THAT is how you make good art. by the way, could I call you Max, king of the BIrds from now on?